Money saving tips and tricks to keep you and your family on budget

It's been too long...sorry, I've been busy with...LIFE : )

As winter sneaks upon us, I become more motivated to spend more hours inside cooking in my kitchen.   And with the holidays just around the corner there's incentive to save money whenever possible.  Home cooking to the rescue!    

My family has been able to stay on budget by doing a couple simple tricks...

We have stopped buying chicken in "parts" and instead buy chicken whole.  A whole chicken is much more cost effective and you can utilize the entire bird with out much waste.  Roasting a chicken is SO EASY!  If you have a pressure cooker, cooking a chicken takes a modest 30 minutes.  Cooking in a conventional oven will take approximately 1 1/2 hours.  My favorite roasted chicken recipe is Ina Garten's Perfect Roast Chicken.  It always comes out flavorful and moist!  After I pick my chicken I will save all the bones and skin to make my own chicken broth.  

Looking for a way to utilize leftover chicken try, Poached Chicken Soup With Coconut Milk and Chunky Vegetables.  This recipe is really simple and so yummy.  Not to mention it has some delicious seasonal veggies which are usually cheaper this time of year.  We served jasmine rice on the side with this dish to make it more filling and stretch it into 2 meals.

Another way we've found to save some extra cash is to eat vegetarian 3-5 days a week.  Cutting out meat really saves in your pocket book.  Soups are always great to make vegetarian and leftovers always taste better than the day they were cooked.  As you might recall my favorite vegetarian soup recipe is my Cream of Chanterelle Soup.  Tis the season for shrooms!

Another money saving method I've found is to make homemade rolls, bread, and pizza dough.  Don't get scared off by yeast - it can become your best friend in no time at all!  I highly recommend the book: Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking.  This book will literally transform the way you think about making bread!  Can't justify buying the book?...Check it out from your local library!

I'm always looking for more ways to save - please share what you do to keep your family on budget!

Stay tuned for some new recipes....I have a homemade granola bar recipe that will change your life!  Till then, stay warm and keep cooking!    


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